Integrated Wisdom

How to spot a False Spiritual Teacher

Tatiana Da Silva Season 1 Episode 24

The world is living through a very challenging period at present, where there is a lot of chaos, confusion and many of us are suffering.

When we are at our most vulnerable, we will often seek answers from those purporting to have them, and this creates a ripe environment for unscrupulous characters to exploit the vulnerability and suffering of others, by enticing those vulnerable people to work with them with promises of having the answers to how to create abundant, perfect lives.

There are many in this space who legitimately seek to help to empower people, however there are also many who seek to exploit them.

Join me in this week's episode as I discuss and outline some clear identifying signs that will help you recognise that you may be dealing with a false spiritual teacher and what to look for instead.

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Intro and Outro music: Inspiring Morning by Playsound

You can also find me on Instagram @integrated_wisdom

Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be treated as psychological treatment or to replace the need for psychological treatment.


Welcome to the Integrated Wisdom Podcast. I am your host, Tatiana Da Silva. Join me as we discuss what it means to live an integrated life and explore ways for you to create a life filled with greater meaning, peace, and connection by integrating the wisdom of spirituality, psychology, Neuroscience, Epigenetics and Energy Psychology are hoped to empower you to create deeper and more loving connections with yourself and others, whilst also paving the way for humanity at large to be reimagined and inspired to become the very best version of itself. Hello, and welcome to the integrated wisdom podcast. Thank you for joining me for yet another week. So this week, we're going to be talking about something a little bit outside the norm. I'm going to need to be talking about the signs to look out for, to help you identify when you are dealing with a false spiritual teacher. Sadly, there are many of them out there. And I think. In order to safeguard yourself and people that you love. It's helpful to know what are some of the telltale signs that kind of give away the fact that maybe this person. Isn't safe. Isn't someone who. Potentially has people's best interest at heart. And will allow you to be more discerning with the decisions that you make in how you engage with spiritual services that are on offer out there. There are countless at the moment. And the reason I decided to talk about this. Is one, it's something that's very close to my heart. It's one of the reasons why I have been championing for spirituality to start to be studied more scientifically to be looked at from that lens of reason and looking for. Whatever levels of evidence we're able to attain. That starts to really illustrate and illuminate the true spiritual nature of life. I think when we're talking about spirituality, The more grounded we are. And in how we talk about it and. Have parameters that safeguard people. The better off everybody will be. The less confusion there will be. That's one of the reasons why. It's very important for me to be talking about these topics. From that grounded place. But also because. Over the years I have seen. The work of some people. That makes me very uncomfortable. I find. Some of their. There. Information the way that they go about speaking about spirituality to people, the way that they engage people into the. Their services and their way of thinking. Feels quite. Quite harmful to me. And. This was driven home over the weekend. When I was watching a Netflix documentary. On a business. That's specifically focusing on working with people, coaching people through. Uh, spiritual concepts, particularly pertaining to finding their twin flames. This documentary absolutely horrified me. In the way that people were dealt with. In. Some of the preachings and teachings that were being disseminated as part of this program. And it just further reinforced for me. Why it's so important to, to give people. Tools. To be able to discern. Whether something's actually going to be good for them or not. Sadly, most of the time when people seek spiritual services. Or teachings. They're at a time of extreme vulnerability in their lives. They've, they may have exhausted a lot of other more conventional avenues and they're feeling really alone and not knowing where to turn to. And sadly, there are many unscrupulous operators out there. Who are ready to swoop in on that moment of vulnerability? With very little regard about. The person's wellbeing. The person's. True happiness and safety. And. The focus is really more about themselves and. What they stand to gain, which is often financial. So that's what I wanted to talk to you all about this week, I wanted to really focus on some really clear indicators that. when you encounter these signs, you're dealing with someone who. More than likely. Is a false spiritual teacher. Okay. The first sign that I always cringe when I come across it. And I find that Extremely manipulative. Is the notion of pricing one's program. Using angel numbers. So for those of you who aren't familiar with angel numbers, They're repeated number of sequences. So 2, 2, 2. 4 4, 4, 8, 8, 8. Numbers like that sequences like that. For many people who are spiritually inclined, those numbers represent communications from their guides, from their angels, from a loved one. And the reason some of these operators will price their programs using that pricing structure. So their prices will often be 2,222 or$444. It's a manipulation tactic designed to. Trigger in the person considering their offer. To feel like this is a sign from their guide, that this is something that they should do, that this is something that will benefit them. So it's a very deliberate strategy. To appeal, to people's desire for guidance, desire for signs to show them what the right decision will be. I've seen these a couple of times, this organization. That the Netflix documentary. Was on. Priced all of their programs and courses like that. But I've seen it with other coaches out there in the world. And. When I see that in, in any copy in anyone's sales copy, he immediately makes me feel like, okay, You're a manipulator. And you're just trying to take advantage of people's vulnerabilities and belief systems. Uh, around what these numbers mean. iF you ever encounter something like that, be very wary. Of course, I'm not making a blanket statement that everybody who does this would be that we inclined. But I think on the balance of probability, more than likely that will be the case. Because those numbers are not chosen by chance. So that's the number one sign. Whenever you encounter pricing that has a repeated. Number sequence or what's more commonly known as angel numbers be very wary at the very least. It should give you cause for pause and to then assess the rest of the copy. And the rest of the context of this person, their programme, they're offering. In a much broader context with a higher level of scrutiny. To see if any of the other signs that I'll be discussing are also present. The second sign to be on the lookout for, which I again, also feel like it's a massive red flag and it causes me that kind of yick the feeling is where there is a very clear incongruence between the way they present themselves and the things that they're talking about. One of the most obvious ways to identify that in congruence. Is where you have people talking about. Highly spiritual things. They're talking about very elevated concepts. So there'll be discussing. Things like higher vibration and connection with oneness and. Talking about transcending this reality, and living in a five D reality, things like that. So they're talking about. Transcending the everyday or the material world. But at the same time, they're presenting themselves in a very materialistic ostentatious way. So when you see photos of them or The way that they present themselves or the things that they're highlighting in their lives. There are often. Materialistic tokens, brand clothes like so high fashion brand. clothes. Expensive cars, luxurious holidays. When you see Those two things going together. That should be a red flag as well. Right now, I'm not saying that people who were genuinely spiritual and have a legitimate desire to help others. Can't enjoy. Life and have fun things. That's not what I'm talking about. Of course they can right, we're here to also live life and enjoy life. But what I'm specifically talking about, uh, people who prioritize in their actions in the way that they demonstrate. Their lives or the glimpses that they give of themselves and their lives. They're always highlighting. This very consumerist, materialistic ostentatious focus. There is a coach in particular that comes to mind. I'm not going to name any names. But one coach in particular that comes to mind. as I understand it, they're very popular and in what they do, they talk a lot about. Spiritual concepts and manifestation and empowering. Oneself and that sort of thing. But. when I looked at their Instagram feed. It was essentially a manifesto of ostentation. And it was an extremely narcissistic feed. Here's someone who's purporting to be a coach. But their Instagram feed doesn't have it. Any content that's educational. That's providing guidance. Everything that they're posting is pictures of themselves living a luxurious lifestyle. So that in congruence, I believe is always a red flag. And they, this particular person I'm thinking of also has the cardinal sin of pricing, all of their programs. With angel numbers. So that's a double whammy. And when you start to see those things, It absolutely should be. an alarm for you. Okay. There's something here. That's just not right. so that's the second sign. When there's that in congruence, they're talking about deeply spiritual concepts and yet they're very materialistic. Very ostentatious in the way that they live their lives and the way that they advertise their lives. The third. Uh, alarm bell and sometimes these ones. This one isn't as apparent until maybe you start working with them. More directly. But I think it's one that's very concerning. Is the idea that they are the authority on you. They're people who will be talking about. They have all the answers. They're the gatekeepers to these divine information and you can only access. This information through them. And they try to convince you. That they know you better than you know yourself. They know what's best for you. They're very directive. Very controlling in the way that they. They engage with people. And a lot of their offerings were a lot of the way that they engage with. With people is very controlled, driven, but also it's designed to foster this dependence. So you'll be seeing offers and words that are all about. Let me show you when you work with me, this is what I'll be able to do for you. And they're all about fostering more and more, fostering, more and more dependents. Someone who's genuinely spiritually inclined and has a genuine desire to help people and empower people. They're going to foster your independence and your own ability to discern the answers. The truth is we all have access. To this information, we all have access to. To our guides, to the truth of our spiritual nature, to the clarity of what our purpose is. You don't need somebody else to show you what your purpose is. It, you might need someone to help you. feel more grounded in yourself. So that you can then access. Your essence and the information that's within you. But anyone who purports to hold the answer is about you. For you should be a red flag. Okay. So whenever you encounter anything like that's fostering control. That's telling you what to think, not how to think. They should absolutely be blaring red flags. And this documentary that I watched, it was so extreme, the level of control that these people had. Over. The members of their group. That, you got to a point where they were convincing people that they were transgender when they w when they, in fact weren't. That's the level of control and manipulation that they exerted. Now, of course, this is an extreme example. Most people that you encounter won't be so openly controlling and. Malicious and harmful in the way that they interact with you. But I think harm can still be found in very small, subtle ways. Because if you're encountering somebody who just. Essentially convinces you that you can't know yourself as well as they do. That you depend on someone. Else or something outside of yourself. For the answers about what's best for you. It's undermining your confidence and that's of course going to be harmful in the long run. So you want to be on the lookout for that? Okay. If they're telling you what to think. Not how to think. Or giving you practices that are in self-empowering. That guides you towards you developing and fostering the abilities within yourself. Be wary. The fourth red flag that I see sometimes. and they're more generalized in the way that people talk about spirituality sometimes, but. Whenever you encounter people, speaking of your hardships as being your fault. They are blaming you for anything that you're struggling with or anything that's going wrong in your life, in your relationships. That should also be a concern. It should be at the very least a reason for caution and to discern more closely or scrutinize more closely. What they're saying and how they're approaching you. There was some. Beliefs out there that. if you're struggling with something or things, aren't. Happening in a positive way in your life. It's because your thoughts are too negative. Your vibration is too low. you're not believing enough. And particularly for people who have had trauma and are feeling quite vulnerable, or really have a tendency to self-blame. That can be exceptionally harmful. do we have accountability for our lives and ourselves and our wellbeing? Of course we do. That doesn't mean that we create. Situations of harm. Or that I need to. Follow a particular ritual. To help transcend a difficult situation. Most of the time, what's the tools that are needed to navigate these situations are all about introspection, but Learning to understand ourselves better having better boundaries. There are psychological tools as well as spiritual ones that are needed in situations like this. it's not as simple as well. You just don't think negatively or meditate for X amount of hours. So just be very wary. Whenever somebody says to you, Oh, you're just not trying hard enough or you're too negative or your vibration is too low or you don't really believe that's why nothing's changing for you. Be very wary. The fifth warning sign is anyone who's talking about spirituality. And encouraging you to deepen your level of spiritual awareness to deepen your relationship with yourself. In order to achieve. A particular type of life, perfection. So do this thing in order to find. Abundance or in order to find. Perfect true love or in order to find success. In order to be abundantly wealthy and rich and have a luxurious life. Those two things don't go together. It is never our spiritual purpose. To be. Successful or wealthy or have perfection in every facet of our lives. Like I said before, it doesn't mean that we can't have those things in our lives and be spiritual. But the purpose, the goal of our spiritual practice of us being here on earth. Is to develop ourselves is to transcend some about. More unhelpful. Mental and emotional states. It's to. Find a state of unconditional love energy to be compassionate of other people. It's a relational. Purpose. Both. Relationship with ourselves and our relationship with others. It is never about tokens. Sometimes we need those tokens. To serve the higher purpose or the lessons that we're here to learn. But the goal isn't to achieve those things. ThAt's not the spiritual purpose of our existence. So when you see those two things being paired together or being promised as a consequence, Have you doing a particular spiritual practice? Be extremely wary. And I think this absolutely is an extreme example. It would be very rare to encounter these. More widely out there, but it's something that I feel very concerned about. Any spiriTual teacher or anyone who purports themselves to be a spiritual teacher? And they make claims about channeling God directly. Or being an exclusive. Gateway to God. Don't even pause, just run the other way. Right. I think. When we're out of an environment like that. It's easier to see. How. ludicrous a claim like that would be. IT's a very arrogant thing for anyone to say that they have direct access to God. But sadly we know her, we know from many examples. Historically. And like I said to this particular organization is a more recent example of this. That there are people out there who position themselves as spiritual leaders, spiritual gurus. And. Present themselves as a mouthpiece of God. They have direct access to channeling information from God. There. They're the only person. Who has that kind of relationship? They're the gateway. To divine information and divine. Will, So, whenever you see that run the other way. Don't even don't. I didn't even stop and assist the other for the other signs. That is a blaring, deafening alarm that you're dealing with somebody who is highly narcissistic, highly manipulative and extremely harmful. In this documentary that I'm Discussing the person who's at the head of this organization went so far as to say that they were the second incarnation of Christ. And sadly there. Still apparently thousands of people that are caught up in this organization. That are still following this person blindly. And that's what happens when we give our power away to somebody else. In our time. Vulnerability in our time of desperate need for answers. Right when you encounter somebody that's fostering this dependence on them. That's undermining your ability to think for yourself. And worse. That's telling you that people in your life. are against you or cause you to feel suspicion. Around them. These people do not have your highest interest at heart. They don't want what's best for you. They only. I want what's best for them. So whenever you encounter these, please be wary don't be wary. I run the other way around the other way. Sadly that this last sign often doesn't become apparent until you're really deeply invested. In a person or in a program. But. It's just something to be mindful of because people will be giving signs about some of these much earlier on. They may not be going. Out and saying very boldly. That they channel God directly. But they'll position themselves in this way that's very superior. They'll talk to people around them in a way that demeans them. That demeans, their own sovereignty. That has them second guessing themselves. Whenever you encountering those sorts of things, anything that makes you. feel yick. Or unsure about yourself, just be really wary. Be very wary of that. And Lastly, I think the last sign is really about. Where you're being encouraged to believe that you can only find what you're looking for in this community. And the people around you aRe not on your side, they're not on the same vibration as you. Anything that kind of encourages discord between you. And your usual support network. Should definitely be cause for concern too. Sometimes these people in a further attempt to foster that dependence on them. They will undermine your other connections in your life and isolate you from that. Again, this is an extreme example, but it can happen. It Can happen so easily. And. Like I was saying earlier. Our spiritual lessons are relational. And so most of the time it's about working through stuff that we have with the people around us. Even in situations where it's in our best interest to, to be away from them. To separate ourselves from them from a place of, from a question of safety. Because the situation's extremely toxic and an unsafe for us, both physically, emotionally, mentally. Someone who has your best interest at heart? Would genuinely wants to help you. In a situation like that, they're not going to just isolate you and cause this dependence on them. They will be encouraging you. To foster other support structures to help you transition safely from the toxic situation. Towards something that's more. More healthy. And more supportive of you. There'll be connecting you in guiding you towards appropriate services counseling. Shelters. N doctors. There'll be, uh, helping you identify other safe people in your life. That you can connect with. In order to have as much support around you as possible, whilst you re-find your strength. And power. It will always be empowering. It will never be isolating. So I encourage y'all to think about these signs that I've outlined. Be very wary when you encounter these. In the coaching world in the spiritual world. aNd I encourage you to have discernment anything, even he doesn't feel right. Listen to your instincts. You have, like I said, you have the answers inside. You. So just to recap. The signs to be on the lookout for. Any pricing. Any program or coaching packages priced with repeated number sequences or angel numbers. Be wary. That could be very much, that could be a manipulation tactic. To just get you to sign up. Anyone who positions themselves as an authority over you? That they know more about you than you know about yourself. That are telling you what to think, not how to think. Be wary. Anyone who. Blames you for the struggles in your life that uses language that basically suggests that anything that you're struggling with is your fault because you think too negatively because your vibrations too low. Because you just don't believe enough. Be wary. And they're not actually encouraging you to. To believe in yourself to remember your power. Be very wary. Anyone who presents themselves in an incongruent way. So there would be talking about deeply spiritual topics and yet present themselves in a very materialistic ostentatious way. Are always really highlighting. Luxury. High-end lifestyles. That's a significant thing. Congruence. With what it means to be. spiritually inclined, And just, so whenever you see that, just be wary, you. Have a little bit more discernment in looking at the overall context of this person and what they're offering. To get a bit of idea of what they're truly about. Anyone who encourag you tor. Uh, isolate from people in your life to. To dismiss or diminish the value of existing. Support networks and. emotional bonds with people in your life. Be extremely wary. PArticularly if they're that. implying that the only place that you're going to find, like-minded people that you're going to find acceptance are with them and their community. Be extremely wary. You could be dealing with someone who's creating a cult-like structure. Anyone who's selling. Spirituality as a pathway to. Again, a very materialistic. Life outcome. Sorry. Success. Rich's luxury. Perfection in any way, whether it be. Uh, perfect life. Perfect love. Anything like that. Anyone who's selling spirituality to achieve perfection. And very materialistic goals. Be very wary. And lastly, anyone who positions themselves. To be. A direct channel of God or a mouthpiece of God or the gatekeeper of divine information, run the other way. Yeah, those are the signs to look out for. I think in the current climate that we're living in. Where. We're all struggling so much. Life feels really tough at the moment. And we're all very vulnerable. To predators, like the ones that I'm outlining. They know how to use language. That's going to be speaking to your pain. It's going to be speaking to your deep desire for connection for answers. And. And there'll be in the ordinary, how to exploit those things. They'll know how to exploit these vulnerabilities. And so I hope that in. Giving you some of these things to look out for you feel really confident in armed with knowledge, to be able to make more discerning decisions about any service that you want to engage in wherever you turn to for, to support. because. I feel like It's plagueen ithese industries that there are people like that. Sadly this many of them and I. I really feel deeply about the need to protect people. From these by opening their eyes. To the signs. So I hope you have found this information valuable or that. It potentially can be a value to somebody that you know, and love. I invite you to share the episode with anyone you feel may benefit from it too. And, while you're there. I'll be super grateful if you would. subscribe to the podcast. If you haven't already. And give us a rating as well while you're there? Not only so that I know that what I'm providing is being useful to you all, but also, so the algorithm knows. to push the content out to more people out there. For anyone who has any comments, any questions, or would like to engage with me more directly? You can find me on Instagram at integrated underscore wisdom. Feel free to DM me. I really welcome conversation and discussion around all of this. this is all we have for this week. I hope you all have a lovely week. And I look forward to speaking to you next time. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of Integrated Wisdom. It is my sincere wish that today's episode may have intrigued and inspired you to reclaim your power and step into becoming more fully integrated spiritual beings. New episodes are published every Wednesday. And I hope you'll continue to join us as we dive deeper into what it means to live an integrated life. So if it feels aligned to you, I invite you to hit subscribe and share it with others who you feel may benefit too. You may also find me on Instagram at integrated underscore wisdom. Remember, each moment is an opportunity to embrace your divine potential and create a world that is more frequently inspired. So for now, stay connected, stay inspired and keep shining your light. Into the world.