Integrated Wisdom

The year that was, and what's coming next year

Tatiana Da Silva Season 1 Episode 26

In this episode, we reflect back on the year that was and some of the key conversations that were had in 2023.

Join me as l also share a glimpse of some key changes coming to the podcast in 2024 and lay out the new focus that next year will bring.

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Intro and Outro music: Inspiring Morning by Playsound

You can also find me on Instagram @integrated_wisdom

Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be treated as psychological treatment or to replace the need for psychological treatment.



Welcome to the Integrated Wisdom Podcast. I am your host, Tatiana Da Silva. Join me as we discuss what it means to live an integrated life, explore ways for you to create a life filled with greater meaning, peace, and connection by integrating the wisdom of spirituality, psychology, for science, epigenetics, and energy psychology. I hope to empower you to create deeper and more loving connections for yourself and others whilst also paving the way for humanity at large to be reimagined and inspired to become the very best version of Hello, and welcome to the Integrated Wisdom Podcast, thank you so much for joining me for yet another week. Can't believe we're almost at the end of twenty twenty three. Christmas is just days away. And I don't know about you, but when it gets to this time of the year, I start becoming very reflective looking back on the year that has been, really thinking about What went well, what I wish I had done maybe a little bit differently, and Then using that to propel me towards setting some goals for the year that's coming ahead. And as we come to what will be the last episode of this year, I wanted to really do that. I wanted to Reflect a little bit about some of the things that we've talked about over the year and pave the way for What twenty twenty four will bring? I've been feeling very, very blessed to have had the opportunity to to start this podcast, to start having these, conversations and putting these These topics out there, they have led to some very fascinating conversations with people, both peers of mine, and people within my own personal life. And it's it's been quite fascinating to witness just How many people do resonate with the idea that, one, there is a spiritual basis to life, but also That it's something that can only enhance the way that we navigate the situations that we're living through, The way that we go about our lives, but particularly the relationships that we have and how it can help us navigate those relationships a little bit more efficiently, deepen our connections to to others as well as understand ourselves better. Right? I think as human beings, we we have this default desire to understand ourselves Better to feel like we have some semblance of control over what we do, over how our lives unfold. And we like to make meaning of things. We're wired for that. And I find that as we start exploring these other concepts and start bringing a spiritual lens to things, It can help add this additional layer of clarity, of insight That brings us that little bit closer to feeling like we understand ourselves better. I don't know that it's possible for us ever A hundred percent understand ourselves, or know who we truly are. Because in many ways, I think we're we're always going to be a project in construction. We're always going to be working on ourselves to some extent. Different situations will be bringing things out to the surface that we weren't necessarily aware that it was there. But I do think that as we start exploring The spiritual nature of life, uh, our spiritual essence that we're souls at our core, that have lived many experiences that carry some of those imprints and how that then shows up for me today or for us today in the way that we navigate life, the way that we do our work, the way that we do our relationships. It just it starts create such a deeper and richer understanding of What what's unfolding around us, but also helps us understand a little bit more about the power that we really do have in creating a life of peace and connection and joy that I know deep down we all really crave. But as I've been saying all along, I do I think that no one lens is ever going to be enough to explain everything, to arm us with all the tools that we need, And that includes the spiritual lens. Right? Whilst whilst I believe wholeheartedly that at our core, in our essence, We're spiritual beings. There's a spiritual context to everything that we experience in the physical, material world. It's not enough either to just have the spiritual lens. It's also super important to address The other levels of a human being, which includes the emotional mental level, right, where psychology comes in, where we can start talking about Some of the things that we know people struggle with, boundaries, assertive communication, Self awareness, how to connect with people, how to harness, Uh, the ability to engage in self reflection, how to be authentic in our interactions with others and in the way that we show up for our lives. And then the physical level. Right? The the need to to work with our body directly, to harness the the wisdom of our body, then The power of our nervous system and how all of these layers integrate. So physical practices, somatic exercises, maintaining our physical health, how all of these layers integrate together. Right? You can't just work on one. You have to address all three. And so I I want to start highlighting that a lot more in some of the conversations that we're going to be having and guiding all of you and those that will be working with me towards How to work with all the layers that we have and how to integrate them all together to be able to then feel like we are showing up fully embodied and in our full authentic expression. And so some of the conversations that we've had this year have already started alluding to this. We've had conversations about some very very spiritual topics. We've talked about reincarnation. We've spoken about the forgiveness ritual. And we've spoken about navigating relationships using communication strategies. We've spoken about the idea that soulmate relationships and What they what they mean and what they can look like. We've spoken about spotting false spiritual teachers and how to keep ourselves safe when engaging with spiritual practitioners, particularly because largely it's an industry that is unregulated, where people from all all walks of life can Work in that space, and you're always going to get a mix of good and bad. Right? You're going to find This is true not just of the spiritual industry, but I think, you know, in the coaching world, in the holistic health world. But even in the more traditional health You know, there are still some thankfully, they're outliers, but there are still some, Probably unethical practitioners out there. I know in my profession, they exist. I know that in medicine, they exist. And so it's it's really important to to know what to to look out for when you're engaging with a practitioner in any in any sphere to be able to navigate your safety and ensure your well-being is not undermined. We've spoken about, You know, the the role that relationships have in our spiritual Journeys in our spiritual evolution, how really the purpose of our existence on this planet It's significantly geared towards relationships, towards embodying unconditional love and compassion for ourselves and others. How Being authentic in our spiritual pursuits doesn't mean or being a spiritual person doesn't mean just focusing on positives. Right? We live in a world of duality. There's good and there's bad, and there are lessons in both. We we can't really get to the to the full expression of our essence by ignoring the parts of ourselves that we don't particularly feel proud of or fond of. Right? So we we spoke about that in the importance of embracing All all expressions of us, you know, the good, the bad, and the ugly. And We talked about this concept of destiny and free will. We talked about intergenerational inheritance and trauma and their systemic role that these things play in our lives. Talks about manifestation, navigating grief. You know, it's been a very short time in so many ways. the podcast really has only been going for about six months. But we've spoken about a lot of things, and it's been just the most wonderful journey in in being able to share these contents with you. And I guess with that in mind, I want to preface what will be coming up from the beginning of January onwards. Next year, I really want to start having conversations around why it's important to start integrating spirituality more fully, what we stand to gain from integrating these different levels of ourselves from in in managing our physical health, managing our emotional and psychological health, but also managing our spiritual health and integrating all of these things together so that we can have more sovereignty in how we navigate life. So whilst I will still be having the episodes where I'll be talking about these topics more fully, Uh, some of the conversations are going to be a little bit more instructive in terms of giving you some strategies and tools for you to go out and and apply to start implementing some of these in in your lives. There will also be an element of bringing in the wisdom of others. Right? I've been advocating for having, A collective of people who are like minded, who are going to be, uh, championing integrating spirituality more fully into my profession as a psychologist, but even more generally so we can start talking about these topics in the wider community. So with that in mind, from January, I'm also going to start to be bringing in other therapists who are spiritually inclined, who already I have integrated spirituality into their lives, into their practices to start exploring a little bit about their journey, Their learnings, what they've gained from from from integrating spirituality into their lives and what they do, What their clients have have gained from from that integration as well so that we can start paving the way forward. I feel deeply, deeply called to start having conversations and to start shining a spotlight on the spiritual nature of life, but not just to be talking about spirituality, but really to start to be bridging that gap between spirituality and science. They are one and the same. Many of the phenomenons that science is observing have a spiritual essence to them. And so to be talking about that more openly, to be encouraging those people that are out there researching these topics already, and to have these people talking about these topics. You all Have it at the forefront of your mind so that we can start very slowly, giving people hope again, giving people a solid foundation again for navigating life. Many of the episodes that I've shared with you this year, I have spoken about this crisis of meaning that we are experiencing throughout the world. It's not something that's unique to where I live in Australia. I think it's something All over the world is being felt, this crisis of meaning, this crisis of loneliness and disconnection, this crisis of emptiness. And I don't believe that the tools we've had available up until now are enough to lift us out of these very painful places. I do believe we need to start remembering our spiritual core, our spiritual essence, and coming back to ourselves, but in a fully integrated way. So that's the focus of next year, we're going to continue these conversations, but we're going to start going even deeper and start shining a light onto how these concepts in a very practical way can enhance your relationship to yourself, Your relationship to those around you and your ability to navigate life with greater ease, with greater lightness. So I am going to be taking the week of Christmas off, So this will be the last post for this year, and then I'll be off next week, with Christmas and All the time that's spent around family, and I intend to be back that first week of January where we can kick off this new focus. I already have some beautiful interviewees lined up for you all. So for anyone who's listening to this episode out there who is a therapist And you're interested in having conversations about what spirituality has brought to your life as an individual, into your practice with your clients. I would love to have those conversations with you. So I invite you to reach out to me on Instagram. You can find me at integrated underscore wisdom. DM me. I am really welcoming those conversations. And Similarly, for those of you who have been loyally listening to every episode this year, I'm so grateful for your support. I hope you have been getting value from the conversations that we've been having, but I really invite you also to reach out to me and let me know what you would like to know more about I really want to add value in the contents that I produce. I want to be serving any need that you have in terms of A knowledge gap or trying to understand any concepts a little bit better. So please feel free to DM me as well on Instagram at integrated underscore wisdom. Send me a DM. Send me some questions about anything that you'd like to know more of, Anything that felt unclear from some of the episodes that I've put out this year that you'd like more clarity on, that you'd like me to come back and speak a little bit more about? This space really is a space of of serving you I'm really excited about what next year will bring. So that's really all I have for you today. I am really grateful once again. For all the support and encouragement that you have all shown and expressed to me. Over this last six months, I'm very, very grateful. To have had you joined me so far on this journey and I do hope to continue to bring you some. Valuaband in interesting thought provoking conversations. next year Once again, I invite you to reach out to me. On Instagram at integrated on the score wisdom. I always welcome. Your comments, your questions, your feedback, even your criticisms. I welcome it all. So don't hesitate to reach out to me. So thank you once again. I wish you all a lovely end of a year. I'll be coming back in. The first week of January. So I look forward to continuing our conversations in 2024. Thank you so much and I'll speak to you all soon. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of integrated wisdom. It is my sincere wish that today's episode um episode deeper into what it means to live an integrated life. So if it feels aligned to you, I invite you to hit subscribe and share it with others who you feel may benefit too. You may also find me on Instagram at integrated underscore wisdom. Remember, each moment is an opportunity to embrace your divine potential and create a world that is more frequently inspired. Um