Integrated Wisdom

Superposition of the Soul: Exploring Quantum Biology Findings on Consciousness

Tatiana Da Silva Season 1 Episode 30

In this exciting episode of Integrated Wisdom, we delve into the intersection of science and spirituality, exploring groundbreaking studies that may just unlock the secrets of consciousness and the existence of spirit.

We explore recent studies highlighted in 'Popular Mechanics' Magazine where scientists believe they have unlocked consciousness, revealing the quantum processes at play and its connection to the universe.

You can access the article here:

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Intro and Outro music: Inspiring Morning by Playsound

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Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be treated as psychological treatment or to replace the need for psychological treatment.



Welcome to the Integrated Wisdom Podcast. I am your host, Tatiana Dassilva. Join me as we discuss what it means to live an integrated life, explore ways for you to create a life filled with greater meaning, peace, and connection by integrating the wisdom of spirituality, psychology, neuro for science, epigenetics, and energy psychology. I hope to empower you to create deeper and more loving connections for to yourself and others whilst also paving the way for humanity at large to be reimagined and inspired to become the very best version of it. Hello, and welcome to the integrated wisdom podcast. Thank you so much for joining me for yet. Another episode. Now for those of you who have been following me along for a little while. And have listened to a few episodes on this podcast. You'll likely have heard me talk about. My. Belief and. Expectation. That eventually over time. Science is going to be able to not only demonstrate the existence of spirit. And prove the spiritual nature of life and our essence. But we will start to understand so much more. About how these processes all work together. And. What it all means for, for us. Whilst we're living here. And I don't know how long that's going to take. I am very, very hopeful that it will happen in my lifetime. With technology advancing as fast as it is. I'm hopeful. I have no guarantee. I don't know how long I have. But I'm hopeful that I will be able to witness some really tangible progress. And I have been for a really long time. And. What gives me a lot of comfort in that regard is knowing that there are researchers all over the world. who is starting to turn their eye. towards studying The spiritual phenomena or actually witnessing spiritual phenomenon without really knowing that that's what they're doing. And, and so that for me is super exciting because it tells me that. It's getting closer and closer every day. And I don't know about you if you've noticed this, but people were talking about spirituality everywhere all the time. And it's not an accident. Right. Like I said, we're at a point now. Where we're being cold as a human species to remember. Who we really are at our essence. At our core. And that is spiritual beings having a human experience. Right. And. We're starting to understand. Very slowly. That what we have been led to believe, which is that everything that exists is material only. And beyond that, there's nothing else. Is being called into question now. And that's super excites me. Right. I believe wholeheartedly. that we're souls or spirits and we live in a spiritual. Context, even though we're having a material experience. And so. I can't even emphasize strongly enough. How incredibly excited I was. When I stumbled across a headline. This week. Of some recent studies that have been done. On consciousness. Now. Many of you may have picked this up about me by now. But for those who haven't, I have a confession to me. Could I am. An absolute nerd. When it comes to this stuff. Right. If I see any articles that are slightly alluding to. explaining the spiritual nature of life. Even if they don't know, that's what they're doing. You can bet your bottom dollar. I'm going to be reading that article. I'm going to be reading that book. I'm going to be watching that lecture. Because I'm always looking to consume this content. One because I love to learn. And I think the more I learn. The more I can be. evidence-informed when I talk about this stuff To my coaching clients. To how I Integrate that information in the programs that I developed. But also because it helps me keep a finger on the pulse. Of how we're progressing with this, right? Like how much progress is happening, how much closer we're getting to realizing that, that reality, that spiritual reality of life. And so as I was kind of flicking through my news app this week, a heading jumped out at me. That gave me shivers and made me super excited. And I'm going to read the heading to you. It's from the Popular Mechanics magazine. And the title is"Scientists believe that they've unlocked consciousness. And that it connects to the entire universe." So that alone. Blew my mind. It made me feel like, oh my goodness, they're starting to understand. Then. Consciousness exists outside of the human body. It's not created in the brain. And it has this connection of oneness with others. Right. And so I was immediately diving into this article. And. Whilst it's still very early and they're. The drawing conclusions based on the early research that they've done. Like I said, they don't really yet understand that they're observing spirit. Right. But that's in essence, what they're observing. Because if you were to ask me. And again, I, I unfortunately don't have any concrete evidence yet to present to you to back this up. This is my perception. This is my understanding. Of spirit from my studies and from my own direct experience with spirit. If you were to ask me, what is spirit. What is a soul? It is a'sentient energy' form. Right. So an energy form that has Consciousness. That has the ability to think. And express itself. And experience itself. And so to have these scientists come in, right. These physicists come in and start to really then. Find concrete. Scientific ways. To identify that consciousness. Happens outside of the brain has a connection to the universe. And is experienced as a wave. For me is groundbreaking. Because that's one step forward. That science has taken to show the existence of spirit. Now, the scientists don't know that that's what they're doing yet. Right. They're getting so close, but They're not thinking about it in those terms. But for those of us who are most spiritually literate, who were more inclined to be. Aware of these things. We see it for what it is. Right. And I want to go through some of the core findings. In their study because it really illustrates this so beautifully. So Just to give you a background context. It all started back in the 1990s, actually, when an article was first published. By a Nobel prize winning physicist. Named Dr. Roger Penrose. And an anesthesiologist named Stuart Hameroff. And. They both came up with a theory together. They came up with this theory. Which date they titled the orchestrated objective reduction theory. And basically what it was claiming, what their theory proposed. Is that consciousness? Is a quantum process. That was facilitated by little structures in the brain cells. Named micro tubules. So. Just to give a context. What a microtubule is, is there a tiny tubes that are made of protein lattices? And they're part of the cells cytoskeleton. Right. So they're essentially. an integral part of the overall structural network of the cells. And. What both dr Penrose and Dr. Hameroff suggested in their studies and in their theory theory that they posited back in the nineties. Is that consciousness was a wave that passed through these microtubules. And that like any other quantum wave. You had the ability. to Be many places at the same time. A phenomenon called superposition. And also had the ability to interact and impact other particles that are far away from each other. So what we now know as. Quantum entanglement or mechanical entanglement. And so in essence, what it means is. Consciousness in this wave form or what I'm going to call spirit has capacity to superimpose itself into a structure. So in our case, it would be stepping into the physical body. And imposing. It's experiences. It's inputs. Through the structure of our brain and, and commanding. Our physical body. As well as in its natural state, the wave form. The capacity to be in multiple places at once, or to have the impact at distance. Right. This is where you start to have some tiny insight or explanation. Into some of the mediumship phenomena that some people will experience and report. Things like remote viewing. How is it possible that whilst here in Australia? I can have a sense. Or a perception, an accurate perception of something that's happening. hundreds of kilometers, thousands of kilometers, tens of thousands of kilometers away. And, and so that was actually poised. And like I said, this original theory was posed back in the nineties. Where. Even then. What they were talking about is this idea. That this quantum level of consciousness or what. I'm going to counter call as spirit. Has the ability. To be all places at the same time. Right. So for those of you who have read some spiritual texts and understand some of the concepts that come through from on that lens, you often hear this concept that. You know, Things are happening simultaneously the past present and future exists at the same time. And so what they were really saying. Is that consciousness, our consciousness. Can connect. Or interact with. other quantum particles that exist outside of the, of the human brain. And theoretically, if this theory proves to be true, It can connect with anything, anywhere in the universe. Now of course. Um, you can imagine that back in the nineties. When technology was nowhere near as advanced as it is today. This theory was completely scoffed at and discarded by many, many scientists in that field. But as we've started to understand more about quantum mechanics, And the concept of quantum coherence, quantum particles, quantum entanglement. Some people have started to come back to these theory and look at it more closely and create current more modern experiments. To see if they could actually shed some additional light into that theory or potentially even. Lead additional evidence towards proving that theory to be correct. One of the reasons why. They were able to conclusively discard. The original theories by doctors Hameroff in Penrose is that it was, it used to be believed. That. These particles or this quantum waves. Could only really. Work in cold. Controlled environments. And so they, they posited that because the brain, the structure of the brain is not cold or controlled. It's actually. physiologically. It's warm. It's mushy. It's wet. It was their belief that there is no way that the waves could be. Um, interacting with the structure of the brain and the way it was proposed. Because the conditions. That they felt were necessary for that phenomenon to happen. Didn't exist. Until, of course. The advance of quantum biology, which happened more recently. And what quantum biology has been able to demonstrate. Is that. Quantum properties as described before. Can be experienced. In living things. And so to give a broader context of what quantum biology is, I mean, I hadn't even heard of it. Um, Quantum biology is the study of quantum processes in living organisms. And so what they study the concept of quantum entanglement and, um, super positioning. That facilitates biological processes beyond the subtomic level. That sounds all very technical. And I can't. Explain it any further than that? But the example, Given in this article. They spoke of the process of photosynthesis. where plants use a chlorophyll. As a way of processing stores of energy or the extracting stores of energy. From a photon or light particle. And when photosynthesis happens. The light hitting the plant, causes the formation of something called an exciton. Which carries the energy to where it's stored in the plants reaction center. But so to get there. It needs to navigate the various structures of the plant and it needs to figure out where the center is. And he doesn't necessarily know in advance. Right. So. So what, um, what quantum biology has been able to demonstrate. Is that instead of this exciton trying to find the path to the core. One pathway at a time. What it does is it tries all possible paths simultaneously. And so that is essentially the concept of superposition. That's what superposition is the ability for one energy wave form to express itself in multiple directions at the same time. And so what quantum biology has also been able to demonstrate is that these microtubules in our brain are even more skilled and efficient at conducting this process than what we observe in plants with the creation of chlorophyll through photosynthesis Hmm. And so whilst, this is extremely exciting stuff, right. And it's definitely starting to create this question, mark. Of. The existence of consciousness outside the physical brain. And the, and how this wave of consciousness can connect with other elements of the universe. Unfortunately, it's still very early days, right? There is nothing conclusively proven yet. And there's many, many studies yet to be done. And what excites me is knowing that there are great, brilliant minds out there who are now turning their very serious. Um, scientific. Lens towards studying these phenomenon. Even if they don't yet understand they're studying spirit. Maybe it's better that they don't understand because you know that many in the scientific community will immediately reject the concept of anything labeled with spirituality. But if they can get to the point without. You know, without being detracted by that. everyone wins. And so I'm super excited. I don't care that they're not really looking. They don't really know. That they're looking at spirit yet. Um, It let them lay the groundwork and then we can help connect the dots later on. But what's super exciting is that both. Dr. Penrose and Dr. Hameroff who were the original authors of these orchestrated objective reduction theory? Um, are starting to show that they understand that there is something spiritual at play here. And have been. Known to be. Engaging with people in the spiritual community like Deepak Chopra, for example. Where They're joining forces. To study. Some of these expressions of consciousness in the universe. And see if they can actually. Use lab studies to start to understand these processes a little bit better. Which of course is likely to be making some people uncomfortable, but it's like, Any major discovery in history. Right. It has originally been rejected by most of the scientific community and it was with time. That then. People came to accept. That was seen as a radical proposition, such as. The earth not being the center of the universe. And. All of those things that. which we now take for granted as fact. I think we're starting to head in that territory. With, with spiritual phenomenon. Which excites me greatly. Um, And so with that in mind, I guess I wanted to share this study with you. One, because I think it's important. If we're going to be talking about spirituality, we're going to be talking about integrating. These concepts. I am a firm believer that the more we can get science behind these concepts, the better it is for everybody, because the easier it'll be for people to start to. To lower, any resistance that they may have to consider. Spirit. In some of their perceptions of what they go through of themselves. Of their experiences and also. So that we can have more. Um, I don't know. I don't want to say the word permission. But I guess in some ways you want to be able to have more. Uh, authority to be talking about these things. With, with people at large and the implications that it has. So. I think in order for us to start to pave the way for people to understand and embrace their spiritual nature of themselves life. And start to see their experiences from that lens. For many people, it's going to require actually accepting. That there is a spiritual reality to life. Right. And. All the doubting Thomases out there. are going to need the scientific proof for it. Uh, I've had many discussions with people who, who are scientifically minded. About these things and. If they're skeptical of anything spiritual, they'll keep coming up with all sorts of fanciful explanations, for the phenomenon that we're, that we're discussing. But I think once science can conclusively prove, yes, this is what's going on. Now we know here's the proof of it. Then we can stop wasting time with these debates. About potential other explanations and then apply the implications Of that truth. Into everything that we do. Right. In a different episode, I'm going to be talking about some incredible studies that have been done on the the power of spirituality in protecting our us from mental health struggles and boosting our resilience for dealing with life. But also that have started to very conclusively show That there are physiological changes in our brains. When we are spiritual that are positive, that are protective and that have lasting positive implications for how we navigate life. So I really want to be sharing these data with you all because like, It's so exciting that this stuff is happening. Right. And we can start to really talk about. The things that matter how harnessing spirituality. Infinitely improve the quality of your life, your ability to navigate hardship, help you transcend suffering. This is what I am most passionate about. This is the why. That drives me. Into doing this podcast into moving into. Coaching spiritual therapists and start to create. Educational. Material around these things. I feel so strongly that that's what's most needed That's what humanity is craving so deeply right now. And so. I hope that you're finding these conversations in these things as exciting and as informative as I do. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. I'd love to hear if you have any questions. For. For me about any of these concepts, where else you can find any information. I'll put a link. If I can find a link to this article that I've referenced today, I will put a link of that on the show notes the article itself goes into much more detail? It's obviously full of jargon. That is, you know, That makes it a little bit heady, but it's still a really worthwhile read. Just to understand what else is being done out there. And yeah. Welcome your thoughts, your questions, your feedback, even your criticism. If there's anything that it feels a little bit. I'm certain that. You disagree with, or you'd like to know more of, you know, Welcome your questions, your comments. You're welcome to find me. On Instagram. At integrated underscore wisdom. You can send me an email through the podcast. And yeah, I hope y'all have a lovely week. And I'll look forward to speaking to you all next time. Bye. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of integrated wisdom. It is my sincere wish that today's ends. New episodes are published every Wednesday, and I hope you'll continue to join us as we dive deeper into what it means to live an integrated life. So if it feels aligned to you, I invite you to hit subscribe and share it with others who you feel may benefit too. You may also find me on Instagram at integrated underscore wisdom. Remember, each moment is an opportunity to embrace your divine potential and create a world that is more frequently inspired. So for now, stay connected, stay inspired, and keep shining your light into the world.